Saturday, February 4, 2012

Women and Training: Questions, Myths, and Answers Revealed!

It’s hard to believe that with all the latest research, and advancements in exercise physiology, that myths associated with women and fitness are still running rampant.  Why do women still believe that light weights and cardio are the way to a fit, lean, firm, toned body?  Why do I repeat the same things over and over in my fitness consultations to women who have tried for years and years to lose weight, only to end up staying exactly the same?  Below are the most common myths/questions I receive, and the truth behind them based on science.

1.        In order to lose weight, and tone, light weights are key, correct?
This is incorrect.  Resistance training is crucial, but light weights will get you nowhere.  The way to losing weight and tone is through progressive resistance training based on periodization.  Periodization is a structured long-term program based on science.  In order to get to your goal, your periodized program should be specific to both your strengths, and limitations.  Firstly, you must correct imbalances, and learn proper technique for fundamental movements.  Lifting weights without proper form, or the elimination of imbalances will only lead to injury down the line.  Once this is done, the next step is to build lean muscle mass.  With an increase in lean muscle mass comes an increase in metabolism, thus vastly improving your body’s ability to burn fat.  For every pound of lean muscle you add to your body, you will burn an extra fifty to one hundred calories at rest.
The resistance training should be progressively challenging and heavy.  The heavier the load, the more work your body is doing.  The more work your body does, the more calories you will burn.
Ladies, you will NOT BULK UP!  As women, we simply don’t have the hormones to become as muscular as men!

2.        Cardio is the key to weight loss.
Myth, myth, myth!!!  The definition of insanity, is doing something over, and over, and expecting different results each time.  How many women do you see on cardio equipment, day in, and day out who look exactly the same as they did six months ago?  When they feel they need to “change things up,” they simple keep tacking on an extra ten minutes to their cardio session, yet still do not notice a change in their bodies.  They then often get bored by completing the same cardio session repeatedly, and end up quitting.
The key to weight loss, and toning is building lean muscle mass.  Cardio alone does not produce this, nor does it make you stronger.  Cardio will definitely help with heart, and lung capacity, however, the majority of women coming to see me want to lose weight, and this is NOT the way. 

3.       I participate in classes that are weight-based.  Shouldn’t that be enough?

It’s true that untrained participants will see an improvement in strength, but this is only a temporary improvement.  Everyone first starting out will see an improvement through classes, because going from a period of complete inactivity, to one of activity will produce results.  However, the body is a wonderful mechanism.  It adapts VERY quickly.  The body will try to conserve as much energy as possible, due to the primal nature of Homo sapiens.  Back in the day, our bodies would conserve energy for the hunt, thus allowing us to make an all-out effort when killing our food.  Despite technological advances, our body still retains this primal survival mechanism. 
Once your body learns and adapts to a certain movement pattern, it will become efficient in conserving energy as it becomes used to certain things, such as repeated cardio, or similar motions within a group exercise class.
In order to produce results, you need to keep tricking your body, by introducing new stimulus in a structured, progressive manner based on science.  As trainers, we have studied, and learned exactly when it’s time to change things up for our clients, and also HOW to change things up.
To reap the rewards of resistance training, a program must include a certain intensity, structured progression, and sufficient amounts of weight to actively challenge clients within their periodized program.

4.        I don’t want to strength train.  It will do nothing for me.
Yes, I’ve heard this statement out of the mouths of many women who want to lose weight and tone.  Ladies, you NEED to get stronger! 
This is not only a psychological aid in building your confidence, and independence, it’s important for your overall health!
Excess fat just sits on your body.  It’s a tissue that does nothing for you, except slows you down, and leads to a plethora of guaranteed health problems down the line, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease,  osteoporosis, and severe joint problems just to name a few.  All these can be prevented to an extent by resistance training!  Relieving excess pressure on your joints from carrying around too much weight can assist in correcting back, hip, and knee problems.  Staying lean through increased muscle mass can help prevent illnesses that are genetic predispositions for many people.  Rather than taking a pill down the line, how about deciding that it’s worth it to never even have to resort to medication in the first place?

5.        I’ve been working with weights by myself for years.  I don’t see any results.
If this is the case, then it’s clear that you haven’t been through a program based on periodization.  This is a scientifically proven program that works.  As trainers, we are taught how to progress our clients over the long-term, in order to achieve desired results, educate you, and give you the knowledge as to what a proper progression should be. 
When a trainer recommends programs that last a minimum of six months to a year (sometimes much longer), it’s not because we want to steal your money.  It is because we know that in order to get you to your goal in a safe, effective and SUSTAINABLE manner, it is imperative that we take you through a full cycle of periodization.  Any trainer who is willing to take you on as a client for less than six months, three times a week IS stealing your money, and is providing a complete disservice to you, and your goals.
Why, you ask?  Because my goal as your trainer, is to teach you all the tools necessary, so once you do reach your goal, you are able to maintain your body on your own for the rest of your life.  Education, and knowledge are paramount.  I don’t want a client for life (unless motivation is an issue, and you cannot proceed on your own). In order to gain this knowledge, it is crucial that you participate in a full cycle on periodization, and this takes a MINIMUM of six months.

6.        My boyfriend/husband is going to show me how to train.
Is your significant other a certified personal trainer, with years’ of education to support his knowledge and methods?  If yes, then GREAT!  If not, then what the heck are you thinking?   That’s as silly as saying “my boyfriend has watched auto mechanics repair our car, so he’s going to take on all major repairs from now on, and show me how to do it!” 

7.        I can’t afford personal training.
You can’t afford NOT to invest in your health.  Remember, this is a one-time investment to learn tools, techniques, and knowledge to carry you through for the rest of your life, and preserve your health. 
Training is expensive, but it’s worth it.  I spent eight years in school, and have acquired many different certifications, as well as continue to further my education in order to help you meet your needs in a safe, efficient and productive manner.   I am well worth the price of investment, because I am a certified, well-educated, and knowledgeable professional in what I do. 

If you’re serious about getting started, I am here to help.  I thrive on making you be the best you can be.
Email me at to arrange for your free consultation

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